"Every year I choose a charity that might benefit from my particular skills and talents. Last year I saw a touching story on our local news, and I knew immediately that my pay it forward charity of choice for 2015 would be a wonderful program called the Prom Closet".Lynn's goal in life, apart from growing her jewelry business, is to make a difference every day. She knows that it's impossible to solve all the world's crises and problems. But she also knows that if we each do something, no matter how small, we can truly make a difference. Lynn believes that by reaching out to at least one person every day, we can change lives forever. She calls this pay it forward.

"The Prom Closet helps girls who wouldn't normally be able to afford to attend a prom to do so. The charity provides the girls with free prom dresses and all their associated accessories, including jewelry, handbags, wraps and shoes. Best of all, the service is completely free to all girls, no matter where they live.
The only requirement is that the girls must choose their dress and accessories in person. The dresses and accessories are donated by community members, local groups, corporations, and businesses, and many of the dresses have never been worn. Because of my years of experience in the wedding jewelry business, I decided that making prom jewelry was the best way I could help The Prom Closet. Over the course of 5 years, I have collected bins full of wonderful pearls and beads that are either no longer for sale, or are oddments leftover from previous projects."

So far, Lynn has used her surplus components to make and donate around 200 pieces of jewelry.
"I'm pretty sure that will make a difference", she tells us. We're sure it will too, Lynn!
"One family told the organizers that they had been fretting over how they were going to afford to buy everything for their daughter to attend her prom. They learned about the Prom Closet while watching the news on TV and, as soon as they saw the story, mother and daughter jumped in the car while father called to give them directions ! Fortunately they made it in time, and the daughter was able to choose a dress and accessories. Naturally, the family were very appreciative.
Another young woman the charity helped had been nominated for prom queen, but would have been unable to attend because she could not afford to buy a dress. That girl was lucky enough to find her perfect dress at the Prom Closet, and her wish to enjoy a memorable evening to treasure was granted."

Since it's first year of operation, when the Prom Closet provided 35 dresses to local high school girls, the charity has become so successful that last year 678 girls were able to attend a prom! This year over 800 girls are expected to benefit by receiving dresses and accessories at Prom Closet 2015, its 7th annual shopping spree. The organizers say that enough dresses have now been donated to cope with anticipated demand, but they are still looking for donations of shoes, jewelry, handbags and other accessories. Perhaps you can help?
Prom Closet 2015 is hosted at St Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 W. Plano Parkway, Plano, TX 75093. The shop will be open from Tuesday March 24 to Thursday March 26, between 4pm and 8pm, and also on Saturday March 28 from 9am until noon. If you'd like more information, please visit www.standrewumc.org, call the church office at 972-380-8001, or email standrewpromcloset@gmail.com.

"I'm so excited that I will also be a volunteer this year, and be able to personally help accessorize the girls with the jewelry that has been handcrafted with love." says Lynn. What a wonderful way Lynn has chosen to pay it forward. We hope you enjoy your time as a volunteer, Lynn, and we're sure all the lucky recipients will simply love your beautiful handmade prom jewelry!
Such a sweet charity!!! GO LYNN!!!
Great Charity!!! Something you don't think about but it is all over the states people who want to go but with the expense holds them back, truly helping a girl's dream!!!
This is so cool and it's going to make so many girls happy. Looking forward to hearing about your experience volunteering this year.
Such a wonderful idea! Love this inspirational post! One person CAN make a difference!
That's such a great charity and a way to give back. Every girl should be able to experience the prom and you're helping to make so many girl's dream come true.
What a super charity and it's just the perfect cause for you and your great fashion sense!
This is such a wonderful idea and worthwhile cause! I'm sure these girls will cherish the memory of their prom--and being able to go and wear something beautiful because of the kindness of donations!Great article!
Awesome cause, Lynn, and a perfect way to share your skills and talents with the community!
It was truly heartwarming and encouraging to learn about this amazing charity from Lynn, and to hear about the way she so generously gives of her time and energy to benefit others. Well done Lynn!
What a great idea and perfect fit for Lynn and her lovely jewelry. A great way to make a positive difference!
very inspiring post and wonderful to learn about everyone coming together to give the girls a great prom experience! How nice of Lynn to share her jewelry and talent with them!
What a wonderful charity. These girls are so lucky. Wish there was something like this in Aus.
Well done Lynn.
What a marvelous idea! Don't know if anyone around here does that, but I'm definitely going to look into it. Thanks for sharing this information, and thank you, Lynn, for your generosity in creating your beautiful jewelry for an organization that can make a difference in the lives of so many girls.
Lynn Thank You for your unselfish nature to "pay it forward". This is the kind of thing that's RIGHT with the world and sharing your story has inspired the good in people to shine through. Best of luck in future years projects and please let us hear about them!
Way to go Lynn!
What a great charity! I'm sure those girls are so happy and grateful. Great job, Lynn! And thanks for sharing.
Amazing charity! Lynn, you're incredible.
What a wonderful way to put a smile on so many faces!
Great cause! So great to help people feel special for prom!
This is awesome!
What a fantastic charity to contribute to. Lynn is such a giving person and gives so much of herself in everything she does. I'm so honored to call her my friend.
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