Jewelry On Etsy JET Team Handmade Jewelry Artists

Etsy Jewelry Artisan Handmade Necklace Bracelets Rings
Friday, January 20, 2012
The JET Team
On July 24 2007, my partner Terry and I decided to give Etsy a try. We already had a lot of experience making and selling jewelry; we began selling jewelry together in the early 1980's. And we had been selling silver jewelry online since 1998. But this fresh new site seemed to have a unique way of doing things. So we opened a shop to sell only our handcrafted jewelry designs. And now, looking back ... it was one of the best decisions we ever made.
For a few months we did things our usual way. I take care of the daily business stuff, and was learning about Etsy while running our silver jewelry website. But I soon found that Etsy was more social than any other selling venue we had tried. And this made me want to reach out to other shop owners.
Later that year, I took a big step ... and joined the JET team.
Many of the original members are gone. They've moved on. But the great thing about this group is ... it continues. We have new members joining all the time, and each new member brings something different, personal and unique to the table. I learn from each and every one of these talented people; interacting with the artisans that give their time to participate and contribute on the daily JET board is not just fun, it gives me a fresh look at Etsy features, social media, jewelry making techniques, and so much more. The bonds we form are real, even if we never meet. I truly love the JET team!
We help each other promote our shops. We use Facebook, Twitter, Google + and other social media sites. We make Etsy Treasuries promoting member shops. We share information on our suppliers. If a member needs a tip all we have to do is ask. Yesterday I asked about using resin to make pendants; several members offered valuable information that only comes with experience. This will help eliminate trial and error, so I don't have to waste valuable material to figure it out myself.
Teams are an integral part of the Etsy experience. I think back to the few months I spent in the beginning - before we became a member shop, and it was like being in a drifting boat. No focus, no real direction ... and I wonder why anyone would have an Etsy shop without joining a team. The time I spend with JET members promoting our shops has been returned many times over. Every JET member is my friend, my partner and an inspiration to do more, create more and promote more!
Robert Edwards is a proud member of the Jewelry on Etsy Team - JET. He is a jewelry designer and metalsmith in New York City with over 30 years experience in the jewelry trade, specializing in artisan made silver jewelry and custom length rope chains. This article may be reproduced provided it contains this author's statement and all links remain intact. ©2012 Robert Edwards
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Fab post Bob! I agree teams are the heart and soul of the Etsy experience! And Jets, of course, are the best, most supportive team out there.
Fantastic post and sooooooooooo true! I love our JET team!
You have been such an invaluable member over all these years. I have learned so much from you - about website content, keywords, SEO, backlinks, text links, image links... Thank you!
Great post, Bob. Your insight and information is invaluable. Plus, you and Terry create the most wonderful jewelry.
Hi Bob!!
Love this post and Oh boy is it TRUE!! I felt the same way before I found the JETS, I attribute much of my success to my team, as said before YOU are also a valuable asset to the team and I am so glad for your willingness to share your personal expertise!!!
And yes...someday...I wanna be even partly as skilled an artisan as you and Terry!!!
Yay for the JETs!!!! You definitely have great knowledge of the business and are always sharing. Thanks!!! You and Terry are a great team together and make lovely jewelry!!!!
Great post Bob, and all so true!
Great post, Bob. Your jewelry is amazing. The JET team is the best team to be part of.
Bob, you said it well! Glad you and Terry are part of the team - love your jewelry!
Great post Bob! I feel the same way, it's so great to be able to ask other people who make jewelry questions, because things that work for other types of sellers don't always work for us jewelry folks.
An inspirational post, Bob !!!
Go JETs. Great post Bob.
Enjoyed the post very much, Bob. It made me really sit back and realize how fortunate I am to be a part of such a great team. Thanks for the reminder and the inspiring thoughts.
Thanks for your great post, Bob - and for all you have done and continue to do for our fabulous team! JETs rock!
So true, Bob! Thank you for sharing your experience. It is a great team.
Wonderful and insightful. Your jewelry is beautiful.
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