Friday, January 26, 2018

LOVE is in the Air - The JETTEAM on Etsy Shares Their Creations

💞💞💞   💞💞💞

The JETTEAM on Etsy has been busy creating some new jewelry to showcase here. Tis the season for love and romance and there is no shortage of that on our team. 💘 Love makes the world go round as they say. We are wishing you all lots of love and happiness!!!!!

All of these shops have other jewelry to chose from so be sure to visit them. And you can see all of the beautiful jewelry, in the shops of our current members, by clicking the link below. Happy shopping.  

      Turquoise Heart Necklace  


 Fine Silver Hearts   

Red and Black Heart Necklace

Rose Quartz Earrings

                       Silver Heart Earrings

Red Heart Earrings

Adjustable Tassel Bracelet

Hearts and Flowers Hair Comb

NOTE:  If you are interested in applying for membership to the JETTEAM, visit the team page and fill out the brief application.                                                                    

                                                                Membership Details


Mollie Ann said...

So many lovely Valentines by the Jets! Thank you for including mine among all these beauties! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

LoveStoneArts said...

What a sweet feature, I heart it all!! Thank you to Judy, our curator.

Unknown said...

Thank you to our leader Judy for putting together this together. There are so many lovely Valentines gift choices here.

Wanda said...

Fantastic collection from the Jetteam! Our diverse creativity is inspired by designing together &hearts

Many thanks and much love to our team captain, Judy of

Cher said...

Sweet collection for Valentine's Day! Thanks for sharing our creations, Judy!

jemsbyjb said...

So proud of the creativity and individuality of these artisans.

SatinDollCo said...

So many gorgeous pieces by some many amazing artists of the JET Team.

SendingLoveGallery said...

Wonderful Valentine jewelry creations!