A virtual chat room has been set up by the JET team, for 9pm EST on Friday, June 18, 2010. Come join in the fun with us and share a success story, photo or other momentous event. Here's a link to the chat: http://www.etsy.com/virtual_lab.php?room_id=sky
There are a number of treasuries that have been created by members of the team. Be sure to visit them all to see the great items for sale by many of the fabulous shops on ETSY.
Have you made a treasury to celebrate? Check out the lovely treasuries made by our members to celebrate Etsy's 5th Birthday:
3Squares - Happy Birthday in black and white
AbacusBeadCreations - Happy Birthday etsy from the jet team
AdriotJewelers - Happy Happy Birthday Etsy
Beadsme - Its Birthday Time
Beadznbling - Happy Birthday To Etsy
CoolJewelryDesign - Etsy BirthdayVibes
FuchsiaBloomStudio - Just a Little Birthday Wish for Etsy
JemsbyJBand Company - Everybody Loves a Party
LotusStone - Tea Party for your Birthday
MadebyTammy - Happy Birthday Etsy
Malves1009 - Happy Birthday Etsy
Metalicious - Happy Birthday Etsy
NightSkyJewelry I Love Birthdays
OliviasGarden - Happy Birthday Etsy - A Red-Hot Present to Celebrate!
PeacesofIndigo - Happy BDay Etsy Baby
SilverCanyons - Birthday Wishes
SilverSmack - You Say Its Your Birthday Etsy? Well ...
TheBrassHussy Happy Birthday Etsy-Champagne Wishes
Best wishes to ETSY for many more years of success!!!
Robert Edwards is a proud member of the Jewelry on Etsy Team - JET. He is a jewelry designer and metalsmith in New York City with over 30 years experience in the jewelry trade, specializing in handcrafted jewelry and custom size bracelets and chains. This article may be reproduced provided it contains this author's statement and all links remain intact. ©2010 Robert Edwards
Robert Edwards is a proud member of the Jewelry on Etsy Team - JET. He is a jewelry designer and metalsmith in New York City with over 30 years experience in the jewelry trade, specializing in handcrafted jewelry and custom size bracelets and chains. This article may be reproduced provided it contains this author's statement and all links remain intact. ©2010 Robert Edwards
Happy Birthday Etsy!
So many Awesome Treasuries!
What a fantastic idea Jets! Happy Birthday Etsy.
Fun birthday treasuries. Great day for a party!!!
Great treasuries! Happy Birthday, Etsy!
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