Oh dear! Oh Dear! My Muse has flown away! Sound familiar? Usually this designer's lament foretells the onset of a bleak dry spell known as "CBS" (Creative Block Syndrome).
Alas, I know very well about this dreaded condition, and how debilitating a case of it can be. Fingers itching to create, I gaze at an array of beautiful beads, but I simply cannot imagine what to do or how to do it!
Recently, when my fickle Design Muse flew away to make mischief elsewhere, I amused myself by looking through a box of jewelry I made many moons ago.
And, like Pandora, I got a surprise. Up popped a Redesign Muse - with an ancient necklace clutched in one tiny hand.
Out came my tools, and I got busy up-cycling the necklace to please my new Muse. First, I removed all those pendants - that 18 gauge wire was way too flimsy!
Reassessing the strand, I decided to keep the basic beaded design, but that original clasp had to go. I replaced it with my hand forged hook and eye.
When my Redesign Muse called for a new pendant, I recycled a scrap of industrial sheet copper, left over from another project, and cut a disc for the background. My stash yielded pearls to complement those in the strand, and I stacked them to dangle in front of the disc.
Well. I was happily making more pendants when along came another surprise. My prodigal Design Muse, seeing a usurper in her place (and me getting along just fine, thank you very much), darted home to defend her threatened territory. The Redesign Muse, being no match for her, stalked off in a huff. Leaving me with my redesign unfinished.
Or is it? Should I keep it with just that single pendant or add more? Or should I use those other new dangles to update the matching earrings?
Oh dear, oh dear! What to do, what to do? Maybe some of my Jewelry on Etsy teammates will point me in the right direction. Meanwhile, I'll listen to my current Muse and create something new.
Thank you very much for this entertaining tour of your bench, Mollie! Join me again next week for another edition of Whats on My Bench!

so funny, Mollie! enjoyed your post. I like both but even more, the direction the new one is taking. It's a "process". Enjoy the "journey" :)
Mollie, you're hilarious! Yes, I know CBS well! I think every creative type gets it and then things come to a screeching halt, but like you, I find that's usually when I redesign an old piece. . . or clean up my stash. . .or take a nap.
I can so relate Mollie. Glad you were able to create something new and refreshing. I think those little pendants would look wonderful at the sides of the necklace.
Thanks for the laughs, Mollie, and love what you're doing with the necklace! I too am very familiar with CBS, unfortunately, but find that a large glass of red wine numbs the pain!!!
I can relate. . .
Hahahaha Love it. Get those mojo juices flowing.
LOL ... how funny that we all go thru this, and question our own designs... but often it inspires something new and awesome, as it did here. WTG, Mollie!
You did so well Mollie!! I love your dangles and the color scheme is scrumptious. So your dry spell is over? WTG Mollie's Muses!
Hilarious, Mollie! Hope you catch your errant muse :)
Too funny Mollie, but it is very true when you look at what you have sitting around taking it apart and making something new does inspire you to do more!!!!
Thanks for sharing what's on your bench Mollie, your copper jewelry is so rich in color, so pretty! I like both designs. And the new spiral earrings are "inspired".
I can SO relate!! Thanks for sharing a bit of your world.
Thank you, Everybody, for the great advice on my project. I think my Muse is hovering around again, thanks to all of you! :)
Mollie, I soooo get it! I have redesigned several pieces, and expect I will do more
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