
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

On the Road Again, Oh, We Can’t Wait to Get On the Road Again …

By Debbie Gilroy

My hubby and I are really living our dream. Always on our bucket list was to buy a motor home and visit every state in the United States.

When we both retired we found a used RV and the rest is history.We have traveled to almost every state in the US as far west as Wyoming in the last 6 years. Traveling with your bed and food is great, and no searching for a clean bathroom.
We have met so many wonderful people along the way and visited so many wonderful places. I even got to meet my favorite lampworker on Etsy, Marcy at Etsy shop StudioMarcy. You see, I make jewelry and favor lampwork beads in my creations.
Here is a sample of Marcy’s beautiful lampwork seashells, used in one of my handmade bracelets:

Blue Lagoon Lampwork Seashells with Kyanite and Sterling Silver Scallop Shells Bracelet

Another highlight was going through New Mexico and Colorado. We visited Denver and Colorado City and then headed down the Turquoise Trail in New Mexico.

We were lucky enough to find a small out-of-the-way trading post and spent a few hours talking to the owner. He was the owner of a mine in Cerrillos NM. I bought a few pieces of turquoise and put together this necklace!

Cerrillos Turquoise and Sterling Silver Necklace

In North Carolina, we sluiced for rubies and emeralds and dug for diamonds at the Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas. I did find a pretty nice ruby that would make a nice cabochon, but alas, no diamonds.

And, we stopped at Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo TX!

There are just so many fantastic places in the United States that we visited, but are too numerous to mention. This year we are headed to the New England states; Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire. With the cost of fuel we are staying closer to home. Each year we average about 5000 miles traveling around. Try it some time, you’ll like it!


  1. That sounds like so much fun! You must come to the Gold Country of California soon!

  2. I am so jealous. I think this is something we would love to do when we retire but travel around Australia.

  3. Deb, so glad you are stepping outside of the box and making a dream a reality--life is just too short. And super happy it's continuing. Great post! Lovely jewelry, of course! :-)

  4. What a great trip...I want to do this one day!

  5. Wow! What awesome adventures!

  6. You are so lucky! What a great way to spend your retirement and see the world.

  7. Now I have that song in my head! LOL Love me some Willie! I am so envious that you have an RV. We have to road trip in our SUV, but we love it. Thank you for sharing your experiences Debbie!

  8. Sounds like you're having fun!

  9. You are fulfilling what has always been at the top of my bucket list. So happy you have had such wonderful experiences together! (Lee@Lee's Earring Boutique)

  10. This is a dream of mine. Thank you for sharing. Maybe I will go with you next time! lol

  11. Norah, we have room. Sleeps 6. We'll pick you up along the way.

  12. What an amazing life you must be leading right now! I'm in the UK but I'd love to do a US road trip at some point. I doubt it'll be as epic as yours though :o)

  13. Your life sounds amazing! Who knows.. One day..

  14. I enjoyed this, Deb! guess I'm living vicariously thru your fun to hunt gemstones!

  15. You are living our dream too Debbie! How rewarding to make jewelry that helps you to relive your fun life on the road!!

  16. What a wonderful life you and your hubby are enjoying! And what fun to find all those beautiful beads along the way!
