
Saturday, April 2, 2011

JET Spring Challenge- Time to Vote!

Welcome to the Jewelry On Etsy Team Spring challenge. Two weeks ago, a group of Jewelry on Etsy Team members were given a challenge to create an item relating to a scenario with a woman named Kathy. You can see the challenge scenario here . Now it’s your turn. Below you will find the creations that have been made with relation to the above scenario. All you have to do is vote for your favourite and most relevant piece of jewelry for Kathy. Voting is open until midnight Saturday April 9, 2011.

C.) Filigree Locket Rose Quartz Necklace Set


  1. I think Kathy would wear all of these! The layered look is way in!

  2. Totally agree Mary, some how can we vote for them all?

  3. Oh dear - how on earth am I going to choose just one? They're all gorgeous!

    Well seeing as I'm absolutely nothing like Kathy [I'm a blonde, blue eyed country girl who left home at 17, while shes a green eyed city-girl brunette who at 23 still lives with her Mum & Dad and unlike her, I don't like romantic novels & never go to wine bars]

    Ok then - my solution? Pick the one I'd wear!!! Is that cheating? he he he :)

  4. My cunning plan failed - I still love them all! Righto, so now I'm reverting to plan B.....

    Blindfold on, pin in hand (not done this since Pin the Tail on the Donkey when I was about 6) aaaannnnnnnnd....


    Fabulous entries everyone

  5. They are all gorgeous.....great job everyone....

  6. Beautiful designs!
    I love the colors~
    Perfect for spring and summer.

  7. They are all so lovely. I think she should wear them all! She can be a jewelry hoarder and her boyfriend's parents will feel sorry for her affliction and decide to "step up" and support and help their son with the love of his life and they all decide to hold an "intervention" to help her with her jewelry addiction. But secretly, the mother of the son, really has her eye on a few of the pieces this girl is wearing. And even more secretly, the father does too!

  8. This sure isn't easy all of them are so beautiful, I say all of them!!!

  9. It is really hard to vote. I have narrowed it down to eleven.
    How do we vote?

  10. What a talented Team we have! They are all so unique and Spectacular!

  11. everybody did a fabulous job for Kathy, she's SOOOOO lucky! I'd choose them all : )

  12. I have to agree with Mary...Kathy would be proud to wear any one of these or several together...she "is" looking a little in need of jewelry at the moment, anyway.

    Like I said before, everyone is a winner, and the reflection of each jeweler is so's like a DNA matching contest. HAHA It's all good.

  13. This is tough... Everyone did an amazing job she'd look great in any one of these.
    Okay here goes, oh I can't decide....
    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
    or maybe I should close my eyes and click?

  14. Oh for pete's sake... this is just an impossible choice! I tried being methodical, thinking about what she would choose and would be appropriate for her age and dress style, but I'm heavily influenced by my own tastes... ultimately, it's either Erika's blindfold and stab or Wandering's eeny, meeny, miney, moe, lol!
    They are all such lovely awesome pieces, and such varied styles from each JET... this is a toughie!

  15. All gorgeous! Wear all of them!

  16. They are all terrific but less is more in jewelry, so I would not have her wear everything at the same time... My vote goes to the Michaela Necklace.

  17. amazing pieces, they all make me sigh!

  18. They are all so beautiful! Great job everyone!

  19. Wow! All of these pieces have their merits. I agree. Everyone is a winner. Well done, JET's.

  20. Oops. Might be two comments! Like I said, well done JETs. Every one of these pieces has its merits. Everyone is a winner.

  21. These are all gorgeous! But since it seems to me that Kathy is a romantic...novels, wine bars.... I just had to finally choose the Flirty Necklace with the BIG HEART...G!
    These all are just great!

  22. i vote for A through K. LOVE them all. great job JETSSSSSS!

  23. So many beautiful creations, hard to choose just one!

  24. All entries are so beautiful it's hard to choose. I love B, but she really needs a bracelet for those empty wrists. So I choose "I" because the colors are perfect and the red relates back to the shoes and pulls the outfit together.

  25. OMG, how can you choose one. They're all gorgeous! Amazing job everyone.

  26. Veeery cool!!! This is a great contest!

  27. Oh to possible choose. Beautiful job everyone, loved all the different designs.

  28. Although each and every single piece of jewelry is amazing--I'm going to have to say the first set "A" would best complement her look. So, I vote for "A". But, I would LOVE owning all of them!
