
Saturday, March 26, 2016

What's on My Bench???

Green Lantern Agate Turquoise and Leather Beaded necklace

A couple of months back I got my assigned person for my Secret Santa with the JET team on Etsy. With the specifications in hand I were put to the test. Let's just tell you the truth. It's hard. Creating a piece for someone who not only makes jewelry themselves but sells it too. So I got to work pulling all the purple and greenish/blue beads I had.

I grabbed a lil' bit of everything. From turquoise to agate to glass beads in all the shades imaginable. I played around with combination for days and each time walking away unsatisfied. Until one day I put my foot down and said to myself no I have to get this done and in the mail.

So finally I came up with this combination. Now with only a limited amount beads I had to think. Chain or leather cording. If I went with chain it would take the focal point off the combination of beads and color. So I opted out for leather cording. Now I went into my jewelry making stuff and no cording. It's like it grew legs and walked. So yet again I had to walk away and hunt down my leather cording.

I found it a couple of days letter in a stash of stuff I totally forgot about. Oh and my phone mysteriously fell off my desk so until I got my new one I lost all the other photos.

So let's speed ahead to constructing the piece. I strung the beads onto jewelry wire and secured it with crimp beads and jump rings to attached it to the leather cording. I finished off the piece with a lobster clasp and chain extension.

Voila the piece is complete. I made some howlite and glass earrings to compliment the piece and off into the mail it went.

Next time I'll do it the old fashioned way and use the camera!


  1. Gaetana!!! I think, of all your beautiful designs, this is my absolute favorite! Total gorgeousness!

  2. It's beautiful Gaetana, and your article really takes me there! Fantastic!

  3. You are so very talented with putting different elements together, just beautiful!

  4. Love it. I had one of Satins for a secret pressie a few years back and love it.

  5. Wow so pretty!!! and I love the story to go with it. Thanks for sharing

  6. I enjoyed your post and creative process Gaetana - and lovely set!

  7. Love how it turned out! Glad to know I'm not the only one that misplaces their jewelry parts;)

  8. Just beautiful!! You are so sweet to share your process, even when it gets a little crazy!

  9. I love the colors you used! Beautiful.
