
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Whats on My Bench

Welcome to another edition of Whats on My Bench with the JET Team. This week Brooke, of BrookeJewelry, takes us behind the scenes in her workshop...

Currently on my bench is a fun request from a family member, for a custom sterling silver necklace. It is a sweet sixteen birthday gift, made with a stone found on the beach by the birthday girl and her grandfather when she was a pre-schooler. I love making jewelry but when I know the story behind a custom piece, and that it is being given as a gift for a special occasion, that really inspires me and gets my creativity flowing.

I decided the best way to attach the odd shaped stone was to drill a hole in it. The instructions I found for drilling a hole in stone included the advice, "be patient", and boy were they right! Depending on the hardness of the stone, this step can take quite a while.

After drilling the hole I began assembling the chain, and seeing how it looked with different chain links added in for interest. Once I had the size and placement of the links decided I soldered them closed, polished the links and added a hammered texture. I also added some brass accents by making a link with brass and wire wrapping the faceted turquoise bead to the chain with brass.

I wasn't sure how I wanted to close the necklace - in the back with a simple clasp, or with a toggle - or to bring some more interest to the front with a handmade toggle and ring closure. In the end as you can see I thought it would be nice to add that pretty toggle to the front AND make the necklace adjustable by adding another ring for the toggle to go through.

The birthday girl's grandparents love it, and I hope she does too. And I now have a new design to shape and adapt to new projects! I have some meteorite pendants that I think are going to look great with a design similar to this.

A wonderful story behind the stone, Brooke, and a gorgeous design too - the birthday girl is sure to love her beautiful necklace!


  1. What a precious way to remember that special time and celebrate her birthday. Love the design Brooke.

  2. This is a hit on so many levels! I love the design and it will easily carry her through from a 16-year-old to a grandmother herself some day. Your work is amazing, Brooke!

  3. That piece is gorgeous and I love the backstory. It will definitely be a piece she treasure forever.

  4. what a great story - and I love the necklace you designed!

  5. Wonderful Brooke. Beautiful design.

  6. Lovely design to feature the sentimental stone... and so 'You' ;)

  7. This is great! I love that design! Custom pieces are always a treat to make!

  8. Looks like a silicified horn coral fossil! Wonderful!

  9. It's gorgeous Brooke, she's going to love it!

  10. Lovely necklace and I'm sure she will love it!!!

  11. I love the way it hangs! Just right!!

  12. What a gorgeous stone! And Brooke, your necklace shows it off perfectly! Well done!!!

  13. That is gorgeous, Brooke. And a great story, too. I love the placement of the toggle clasp. Just lovely!

  14. Thanks for reading and for all the lovely comments! Thanks Naranjan for identifying the fossil in the stone, I'll pass that info on;)
