
Monday, May 14, 2012



If I had to pick a favorite season,
Spring would probably be it --
new Life and new Beginnings are
all around. From the sweet, faint
sound of a nest of newborn birds
chirping, to the thunder and pouring
rain of a powerful Spring thunderstorm,
the world outside is changing from a drab blend of boring to a
bursting rainbow of color.
A teacher's gift ... Apple locket

The color that first comes to mind
when I think of Spring is green,
and I tend to create a few extra
green items this time of year.

The green items you can currently
find listed in my shop include my
hand-painted butterfly necklace,
the teacher's gift apple locket,
as well as the poppy necklace.

 To me, green signifies life and
new beginnings, and tends to
 encourage people to start
something new. One of the new
techniques I'm using this spring
is painting original art on
a transparent glass locket.
Summer / Fall
My next favorite season is a close battle between Summer and Fall.

When I think of Summer I think of hot
sunny days at the beach, spending
time with my family while the kids are
on break from school, and the soothing
sounds of nature harmoniously saturating
the outdoor world around us.

When I think of Fall I think of warm days
and cool nights. Sleeping by an open
window, feeling the cool breeze gently
blowing across my face reminds me
of being a child. And I don't believe I've
ever heard anyone say that they don't
enjoy nature's fireworks as the leaves
change from life-giving green to a  myriad
of beautiful, earthy colors each Fall.
Acorn charm

And last but not least we have Winter.
Although Winter is at the bottom of my list
of favorite seasons, there are still many
things about Winter that I appreciate and
enjoy, including visiting distant family
members and old friends during the
holidays, and snuggling under a blanket
with my husband by a snap-crackling
fire on a cold Winter's night.

I hope you've enjoyed learning a
little more about me as a person,
and I hope the things I've shared
might help you to understand a
little more about why you create
some of the things that you create.

Have a Happy and Creative Day! 

Tammy -




  1. Wonderful handmade creations inspired by nature!

  2. Great post Tammy. Just love what you picked for your seasons.

  3. Great post and lovely examples of the seasons.

  4. wonderful, Tammy - love the jewelry!

  5. What a good post. I enjoyed it very much as well as the examples of your seasonal jewelry creations.

  6. Thanks everyone for your sweet comments! I really appreciate it.

    BIG Thank You to BOB - for posting it on the blog!

  7. Great post! The seasons can be so inspiring!

  8. Wonderful post and wonderful jewelry!

    -Lori from Dashery Jewelry

  9. Spring is definitely my favorite season, as well. Beautifully written and well illustrated with some beautiful pieces!
