
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jet of the Day - WanderingJeweler

I read a recent article in a jewelry magazine about buying fewer tools. Ok I know I’ve lost a few of you here, I’m also always looking to get the latest and greatest tool that magically makes everything easier as well. Just think about it, all those shiny new tools at the store calling my name and those glossy articles in the magazines that make the tools seem to be must haves. 
I was a bit skeptical on how the author was going to convince me I didn’t need all the tools I want. Won’t that stifle my creativity… if I don’t have that tool that bends metal a certain way?  Without the latest high speed specialty drill, I won’t be able to do certain things!
Then he said it, if we spend less money on tools we have more money for materials. An interesting idea… it’s always great to have more money for materials and be able to make more things. So I had a look at some of the things I really like to make and how many tools it takes to make them.
I use the same three tools to make all these:
Blue Glass Cube Bike Chain Earrings
Double Circle Fluorite Earrings
Rose Quartz, Wire Wrapped Copper Circle Pendant
Add one more tool to the previous three and I make these:
Bike Chain Upside Down Pendant
Bike Chain and Purple Square Glass Earrings
 This new idea won’t stop me from wanting the latest and greatest tool but it may make me think twice before buying the latest tool.  
Thank you for reading!


  1. Great thought Kerry! Think about the fantastic jewelry the Mayans and Egyptians made with very simple tools.....Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Something to think about before spending more on something you might not need afterall!!!!

  3. What a great thought provoking post!

  4. Nicely said, and a great reminder to us to ask ourselves if we really need that specialty tool before we indulge!

  5. Kerry, great blog post. Something to think about.

  6. good post, Kerry! I'll admit to being a tool junkie...I hereby resolve to think twice ;)

  7. Beautiful jewelry you make with only a few tools! And fewer tools does mean more money for supplies-never really thought about it!

  8. Great post and beautiful jewelry.

  9. This gives me something to think about, since I was just in a craft store this weekend wondering what new toy I needed!

  10. Great thought! the sophistication of the tools can be so tempting, however we sometimes forget that some of the tools are so specific and not too flexible and yet expensive. Here is to creativity!

  11. Well said! What a fun post and fun jewelry as well!

  12. Brilliant post - really made me think how we don't need all the fancy new tools and gizmos we think in order to make something beautiful and everlasting!
