
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Jet of the Day - Wearable by Design

 Jewelry is adornment-meets-stored-wealth-meets-status-meets-decoration-meets-identity.  The history of jewelry is older than writing, so we will not try to unravel it here.  But for the modern woman, jewelry is primarily about identity.  We want to be ourselves, but more so.  Jewelry helps us get to the “... more so.”  And in an era of mass produced, imported jewelry, nothing is “... more so” than unique, custom jewelry.

First, let’s don “Vault”, a precious metal silver pendant.  It is worn near the heart; a centered position with little movement.  And, like it’s name, it locks in a secret.  Peering into the piece, once can see the inner workings of the massive bank vault doors that inspired it.  A woman wears “Vault” when she wants an in-your-face mystery.  (Jeans, silk blouse.)

Then we put on Barcelona.  Silver in motion.  You can lay it down on a table and it still seems to move like water.  We wear this to feel a sense of connection over time.  Connected?  Connected to people, culture and whimsy - much like the streets of Barcelona herself, with towering spires and hobbit balconies. (Black cocktail dress.)

 When we add Acanthus to our ears, we leave behind the flow of Barcelona.  These earrings are solid enough to sit still, but they follow our every move as we talk, smile, laugh and walk.  (Wear with colors.)

 The Spinel ring in a seductive blue, pulls the eyes of men (and women) to our hands.  The ring exists to deliver the beautiful stone.  We can clearly see the distance between the filigreed Acanthus, where design overcomes the material, and the Spinel ring, where design simply presents it.  (Wear with anything that can complement a white scarf.)

And we finish by wearing Pink Ophelia.  Elegant, derived from nature, and rendered in silver with crystals and pearls.  (Worn confidently with a plunging neckline.

 The design and creation of jewelry is not linear.  We travel the path taken by rivers through a delta - more of a meander than a road.  But we, as designers, collude with the wearer of jewelry in a journey that connects identity across time.

-Wearable By Design


  1. Wonderful post, gorgeous jewelry! Love the concept of a meander rather than a road.

  2. Such an amazing artist! I love those earrings.

    Great post!

  3. My goodness what a post! Wearable is an incredible artist.

  4. Fantastic post! The jewelry is just gorgeous.

  5. Beautiful work, wonderful thoughts. Thanks!

  6. An absolutely STUNNING presentation of an Artisan's inspirational journey from start to finish.Your ART is now ALIVE!Thanks for taking us on a trip through your visual process to the conclusion of an inspired piece.

  7. The designs are incredible pieces of wearable art and I love her post. It's a little tour through her designs, your wardrobe and the world at the same time...fantastic!

  8. Love everything in Jenn's shop. Great blog post.

  9. A fabulous post Jenn - your designs are absolutely gorgeous!

  10. Wonderful post, like a little journey. You are an amazing jewelry artist!

  11. Great post and such beautiful jewelry!

  12. Wonderful, descriptive stories to go with Jenn's wonderful, beautiful jewelry!

  13. Wonderful post with incredible handmade jewelry!

  14. Great post and such gorgeous designs.
