
Friday, September 16, 2011

Jet of the Day - Adroit Jewelers

To pierce or not to pierce, that is the question.  Well, maybe not “the” question, but it is “a” question.  And I have an answer for those who choose not to pierce.  I would like to share my line of non-pierced hoop earrings with you today. 

These earrings are so much fun!  You get the look of a pierced hoop earring without the piercing.  I call these slip-on earrings because that is what they do, slip over your ear.  

They are available with and without dangles and in different sizes.

There are more available, but you get the idea.  I have run across quite a few people who either don’t have pierced ears, or whose ears have torn or are easily irritated, and they have been pleased with this alternative.  It has been fun to get their reactions.  My shop has a variety of other kinds of jewelry, but today I wanted to focus on this alternative for people looking for a non-pierced earring option. 

Thank you,


  1. These are great AJ. They even look good combined with pierced earrings if you like multiple dangles.

  2. What a great idea no pinching of the elopes with clipons!!! Like all the different styles you offer!!

  3. What a great idea, Ida! These are beautiful, and so stylish - a great alternative to clipons for the fashion conscious!

  4. Ida, this is a great idea. Great styles.

  5. Stylish, beautiful, comfy ... and no piercing! What a wonderful idea!!!

  6. Genius! Fabulous post and absolutely gorgeous designs!

  7. Non pierced earrings are such a brilliant idea not to mention they are gorgeous!

  8. enjoyed your post & the innovative designs!

  9. Great idea and styles, I enjoyed reading your post!

  10. Thank you everybody! I appreciate the support!

  11. Fantastic idea and so Beautiful!
    (Now why didn't I think of that, lol!)
